Ahum...hmmmhmmmhmmm...ack ack...
What you're hearing is the sound of my writing voice coming back to life. Lots of frogs in my writing throat.
As readers of my now-defunct newsletter know, I stopped writing 18 months ago. I couldn't stand the sound of my own voice any more. All I was writing about was stuff I already knew. I was starting to bore myself silly.
Life's too short for that. So I quit writing. I had just plumb run out of things to say.
It was pretty hard at first. I was used to being An Expert: four books published, teaching around the world, yada yada yada (hear the boredom with my own voice again?). I quit all teaching too.
And then, after many months of grieving the loss of writing and teaching, and coming to terms with the possibility that I'd never write or teach again, a deeper silence, and contentment, settled in. Deeper than I'd ever experienced.
I discovered a deep and heartfelt relief at not having to be an expert any more. The older I get, the less answers I have. Doesn't bode well for an author and teacher ;-).
So I've been seeing clients (a huge joy there), and knitting, and gardening, and walking, and hanging out with the folks I most love.
I could get used to this, I thought.
I should KNOW better than to say that. The following week (that would be last week), I woke up itching to write. I just let myself itch for a while.
But now I'm ready to scratch, clear my throat, and see what I have to say. I'm feeling anxious, because I don't have a clue what I'm gonna write about, except that I know it's about transitions. I'm also feeling pretty excited, precisely BECAUSE I don't have a clue what I'm gonna write about.
Stay tuned...